Przygotowanie do operacji, różne procedury chirurgiczne



        Kim Chilson


For radiographies of rabbits, see:

Rabbit radiographies


For care of the rabbit after the surgery, see:

Post-surgical Care in Rabbits



Pre-anesthetic preparations of the rabbit

Anesthesia and its monitoring in rabbits , with 3 video's and pictures


Anesthetic agents

Pre-anesthetic drugs safe for use in rabbits

Anesthetic drugs safe for use in rabbits


Fluid therapy

Demonstration showing how to administer subcutaneous fluids to a rabbit, by Debbie Hanson. With the help of Barbara Schweitz.


Analgesic drugs

Analgesic drugs safe for use in rabbits



Limb radiography

Rabbit with broken calcaneal tuber (pelvic limb) and possible bacterial joint infection, radiography and explanation, by Debbie Hanson. In collaboration with Dr. Dan Jordan and the rabbit Parker.

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Dental surgery

Case report: Stella suffering from severe incisor and molar malocclusion. Details of the case and video's of her dental surgery, by D. Hanson, with Manley May, DVM, (Pearland Pet Health Center, Houston, USA).


Limb surgery

Limb fracture and pinning of a broken bone


Ear surgery

Resekcja ucha u królików (typu baranek)


Reproductive system surgery

Male reproductive tract and orchidectomy (castration surgery)

Ovariohysterectomy or spay of the female rabbit

Caesarean section in the female rabbit presenting a difficult delivery


Alternative rabbit therapies

Alternative Medicine Overview, by K. Smith

Is Holistic Medicine Right for Your Rabbit? , by K. Smith

Chiropractic, by K. Smith

Acupuncture and Acupressure, by K. Smith


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