Choroby neurologiczne


 Katrina, by Kim Chilson


Diagnostyka różnicowa

Facial paresis - Causes found in rabbits

Kręcz szyi i jego różne przyczyny

“Head-down syndrome” in a rabbit - possible causes

Ataki padaczkowe (drgawki) i ich różne przyczyny

Niedowład, paraliż i ich różne przyczyny


Chirurgia ucha 

Otitis media at interna - zapalenie ucha środkowego i wewnętrznego

Mo, my 1 year old rabbit got facial asymmetry


Choroby bakteryjne 

Illustrative guide of clinical signs of rabbits with E. cuniculi

Czy Encephalitozoon cuniculi, pasożyt układu nerwowego królików, możne być leczony pyrimetaminą?

Prevention and treatment of Encephalitozoon cuniculi infection in rabbits with fenbendazole, by Suter C, Muller-Doblies UU, Hatt JM, Deplazes P.

Starsky and his experience with Encephalitozoon cuniculi



Toxoplasmosis, an unrecognized parasitosis in rabbits, by Esther van Praag


Congenital syndrome

Newborn rabbit with a congenital upper eyelid agenesis and a cephalocele, by Luc Page, Michel Gruaz and Esther van Praag

Newborn rabbit with a frontal encephalocele, by Michel Gruaz et Esther van Praag


Metabolic syndromes

Heatstroke in rabbits, by Michel Gruaz, Janet Geren, Esther Van Praag

"Petit mal" or "grand mal" epileptiform manifestations in rabbits, by Linda Baley, Delia Canas, Michel Gruaz, Arie van Praag and Esther van Praag


“Floppy rabbit” or general muscular weakness

General muscle weakness or “Floppy rabbit syndrome” , by Esther van Praag

“Head-down syndrome” in a rabbit - possible causes

"Head-down syndrome" or "Syndrome of Twilight", by Suzanne Trayhan. With numerous video's.


Choroby powodowane przez pierwotniaki

Resekcja ucha u królików (typu baranek)

Lateral ear canal resection and ablation in pet rabbits, by Vittorio Capello, DVM



