Zdjęcia rentgenowskie i USG kr�lik�w


Adar and Flora, by Kim Chilson



Zdjęcia rentgenowskie kr�lik�w


Skull radiography

Rabbit skull radiology, by C. Holson and D. Martinez-Jimenez

Zdjęcie rentgenowskie boczne czaszki kr�lika



Objective interpretation of dental disease in rabbits, guinea pigs and chinchillas. Use of anatomical reference lines, by Dr. Estella Boehmer and Dr. David Crossley

Radiography of a rabbit suffering from dental malocclusion, before and after treatment

Radiography of a rabbit suffering from severe incisor and molar malocclusion

Radiography of a rabbit suffering from advanced dental disease and bilateral mandibular osteomyelitis

Radiography of a rabbit with a mandibular jaw abscess, by Dr. Estella Boehmer

Radiography of a rabbit with a mandibular jaw abscess, malocclusion and otitis media, by Dr. Estella Boehmer

Dental dysplasia: pseudo-odontoma (elodontoma) in a rabbit

Dental exam: Overview of dental problems in rabbits, by Debbie Hanson.

Speaking: Dr. Roy Cruzen, with rabbit Pixel.


Okolice jamy brzusznej

Lateral and dorso-ventral radiographies of the thorax and abdomen of a healthy rabbit

Radiografia (zdjęcie rtg)klatki piersiowej i brzucha kr�lika

Ventrodorsal radiography of the rabbit thorax and abdomen

Acute onset of bloat can affect every rabbit



Latero-lateral and dorso-ventral radiographs of the neck of Twilight



Radiographs of the lower spine and pelvic regions - Zdjęcie rentgenowskie okolic miednicy kr�lika

Lordosis, scoliosis or kyphosis spine deformations are observed in rabbits too

Rabbit with spine fracture



Okolice miednicy

Dorso-ventral radiographs of the hip



Zdjęcie rentgenowskie okolicy lędźwiowej, krzyżowej i ogonowej kręgosłupa w ułożeniu brzuszno-grzbietowym



Lateral radiography of a thoracic limb of a rabbit: Elbow

Dorso-ventral radiography of the pelvic limb foot

Ventrodorsal radiography showing advanced arthritis of the thoracic foot

Lateral radiography of a fractured tibia in a rabbit, after insertion of a pin

Ventro-dorsal radiography of the left hind foot with a broken toe

Rabbit with broken calcaneal tuber (pelvic limb) and possible bacterial joint infection, radiography and explanation, by Debbie Hanson. In collaboration with Dr. Dan Jordan and the rabbit Parker.


Serdeczne podziękowania dla Sandy Minschull, Julie Martin-Marrero oraz Ruth van Kalmthout za umożliwienie stworzenia stron dot. anatomii

przez przekazanie zdjęć rentgenowskich swoich kr�lik�w.





e-mail: info@medirabbit.com