Post-surgical care in Rabbits


    Kim Chilson



Safe carrying of a rabbit

Safe examination of a rabbit

Safe immobilization of a rabbit in a towel ("burrito" technique)


Wound care

Bandaging a rabbit wounded hind limb

Abscess management in rabbit, an illustrated guide, by Christine Macey



Medication safe for use in rabbits

Drugs that endanger the life of the rabbit


Fluid therapy

How to administer subcutaneous fluids to a rabbit ? by Debbie Hanson. With the help of Barbara Schweitz.



Video showing the nebulization of a rabbit suffering from upper respiratory infection (URI):

A big thank you to Debbie Hanson. Without her help, time and expertise, the making of the nebulizer video would not have been possible. Thanks also very much to Rachel Ihlenfeldt and her rabbit Bunbun for the demonstrations.

Video showing nebulization of a rabbit in a nebulizing "chamber":




