Radiograph of a rabbit suffering from severe malocclusion:

before and after occlusal adjustment of the cheek teeth is funded solely by the generosity of donors.

Every donation, no matter what the size, is appreciated and will aid in the continuing research of medical care and health of rabbits.

Thank you  


Warning: this page contains pictures that may be distressing for some persons.



Daniel has always suffered from dental problems. He needed regular care during all his life.

Before: severe malocclusion of cheek teeth, accompanied by tooth root elongation. The radiograph show incisor root elongation and slight deformation of the hard palate. There is also Tooth root elongation and ventral mandibular cortical deformation of the bone, due to the increased pressure

After: in order to adjust occlusion of the cheek teeth, premolars and molars have been filed, while incisors have been shortened. The correction of the molars was done in several steps.


Many thanks to Sandy Minshull for sharing the story of Daniel and giving the permission to use his picture and radiographs.





