Differential diagnosis |
Generalities |
Opening of the eyelids in rabbit kits
Color of eyes |
Domestic Rabbit Eye Colors, by
Robert Reiswig |
Incomplete aniridia in a young rabbit belonging to the “Dutch”
breed, by Michel Gruaz et Esther van Praag
Heterochromia of the iris in rabbits belonging to
the Dutch breed, by Kimberly Butler, Beth
DeGeorge, Gabriela Dunn, Julie VanGyzen, Michel Gruaz, Arie van Praag and
Esther van Praag |
Eye diseases
Rabbit and rodent ophtalmology, by D.L.
Williams, DVM |
Bacterial infections |
Eye lens related disorders |
Cataract in rabbits
Esetismertetés:Toffik bemutat két oldali szem léziót, és orr kérget, by Dr.
Magdalena Stasiowska
Eye gland related
disorders |
Meibomian cyst or the development
of a white nodule on the rabbit eyelid |
Corneal related disorders |
Corneal abrasion and ulcers
Corneal occlusion or pseudopterygium
Surgical correction of aberrant conjunctival overgrowth in a rabbit: a case report, by Joon Young Kim, David L Williams, Kyung-soo Rho, Kyung-hee Kim, Young-sun Lee and Soon-wuk Jeong |
Anterior corneal dystrophy of american dutch belted rabbits: biomicroscopic and histopathologic findings, by C.P. Moorer, R. Dubielzigan D.S. and
S.M. Glaza |
Spontaneous pre-Descemet’s
membrane corneal opacities in rabbits, by G.
Durand-Cavagna, M-F. Hubert, G. Gerin,
and S. Molon-Noblot |
Metabolic disorders |
Corneal lipidosis or dystrophy in rabbits
keratopathy in a rabbit, by Michel Gruaz and
Esther van Praag
Congenital eye disorders |
rabbit with a congenital upper eyelid agenesis and a cephalocele,
by Luc Page, Michel Gruaz and Esther van Praag
aniridia in a young rabbit belonging to the “Dutch”
breed, by
Michel Gruaz et Esther van Praag |
Heterochromia of the iris in rabbits belonging to the Dutch breed. by Kimberly Butler, Beth DeGeorge,
Gabriela Dunn, Julie VanGyzen, Michel Gruaz, Arie van Praag and Esther van Praag