Katrina: reduction of size of kidney stones

and testimony of Pocky



Kim Chilson


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Note of caution:     Any use of medication or natural product in a rabbit affected by a health disorder must be discussed with the veterinarian treating this rabbit. The information presented here is indicative and for educational purpose only – not a substitute for a veterinary consultation.  

Nephroliths and uroliths, also called calculi or stones, can develop in the kidney or bladder of rabbits, independently from age and breed. Male rabbits are more prone to the development of stones, due to their long urethra. These stones are rock-hard crystal aggregations that exist in a range of shapes and sizes. When they are small, but present in large quantity, the condition is referred to as “sludge” or “sand”.


Kim Chilson

Katrina, the “helicopter” rabbit with talented ears...

Katrina, a female albino rabbit, years old, suffered from kidney stones, among other health problems. No treatment exists, except removal of a kidney. After researching on this topic with Susan L. (USA), we wanted to give it a try. Dr B. Langhofer (The Scottsdale Veterinary Clinic Scottsdale, Scottsdale, AZ, USA) was involved in every step of the treatment given to Katrina too.

Katrina has been free fed alfalfa pellets, dry oatmeal with the powered pumpkin seeds mixed in, a lot of greens, including those high in calcium, and also, most recently, a few citrus leaves. She eats about 1/2 bunch parsley a day, too, and oat heads, and triscuit crackers. And carrots, and bananas every day. She has not been at all restricted in calcium, because I simply thought I was feeding her things she loved before she died, so why stop giving her what she likes, if that makes sense. I just added the citrus leaves (pink and white grapefruit trees, Navel orange, Tangelo, Lemon, dwarf Lemon maybe 3-5 leaves most days), as she seemed to really enjoy them on the few times I brought a couple home.

Along with the subcutaneous fluids, which we were not giving any more, she had Buprenex for pain, very seldom used. She seemed to do better without either of these most days. She got an adequan shot every month. As for regular diet/ supplements/ meds Katrina got:

10 mg/kg Baytril liquid bid since the first blood test. This appears to help her.            

10mg Coenzyme Q-10 once a day

Nettle 150mg/day

(Urtica dioica Leaf) - from freeze dried capsules, mixed 300mg/mL she gets .50mL of that mix a day.(equals-150mg day)

Quercetin .50mg day

(from Nature's Life, labeled Quercetin extract (Dimorphandra Pod) 400 mg cap mixed with 4 mLs liquid to make 100mg/mL, she takes .50mL day=50mg/day

Milk Thistle-50mg bid

Brand- Spring Valley; labeled: standardized extract (Silybum marianum) (seed) (standardized to contain 80% Silymarin 140 mg) mixed 175mg/10 mL liquid, so she is getting about 17mg/daymilkthistle

Dandelion .50  day

of following liquid product made by "Sprouts", labeled: Certified Organic Fresh Dandelion root (Taraxacum officinale)

Herb Strength Ratio 1:1.5

serving size labeled as 1mL=667mg/mLHerb weight Equivalence

Chamomile .50mL a day

of following liquid product from "Sprouts" brand

extract labeled: from German Chamomile flowers (Matricaria recutita) Fresh Flowers Fresh

Herb/menstruum ratio: 1: 1.25

Ground raw pumpkin seeds, ground in coffee grinder, mixed half and half with dry oatmeal, free fed all day... she eats approx 1/4 cup a day.

She has not been restricted in diet in any way, she is allowed to eat alfalfa pellets, timothy an oat hay, free fed all day. She also gets spring mix greens and parsley, banana pieces(about 1 tsp), carrots,  fed every morning and night...eats more some days, but always eats pretty good. She gets about 1 1/2 triscuit crackers every day for treats, too.


Dr B. Langhofer


X-rays taken on Katrina showing the kidney stones

before the start of the special diet.


Dr B. Langhofer


A decrease in the size of stones is observed after 3 months

.Testimony of Tina Limanowska

My rabbit Pocky had kidney stone in her left kidney and she was going through a lot of pain (there's my old message quoted, so you can see it if you don't remember).  I tried the herbs diet that was used on rabbit Katrina, you had a post about her kidney stones situation on your website.  I tried all the herbs that were noted in Katrina's diet for about 4-5 months and it worked!!!!  I changed my veterinarian to a new one,  he is a wonderful and very skillful doctor,  he checked my rabbit and said there is some visible changes in her kidney and bladder showing that there was some sludge and kidney stone before but it is all gone. That was almost a year ago. 

Pocky is still alive and doing very well,  I taught her to drink water again (because she really didn't like to drink it)  by adding some fresh mint and coriander leaves and she drink a lot and everyday now,  even in the summer.  I wanted to let you know about the mint and coriander in case you'll be contact by someone that have the same problem,  and the rabbit doesn't like water even with a bit of juice, they might want to try that,  maybe it will help.





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