Restraining for medication
Esther van
Praag, Ph.D. is
funded solely by the generosity of donors.
donation, no matter what the size, is appreciated and will aid in the continuing
research of medical care and health of rabbits.
Thank you
On the floor: rabbit between legs Be sure to put your feet together, to close the gap in the
back of the rabbit. Some have a habit of going backwards and escape through that
opening very fast… In front of knees, with arm wrapped around the rabbit front side: back side: After restraining the rabbit, a hand put over the head to
close the eyes avoids immediate escape. When calmed down, the rabbit can be petted
before the medication of food is given. The rabbit can be put in a towel: Taking the rabbit on one's lap is another method: The syringe is gently
introduced in the mouth of the rabbit, through the space between the incisors
and the molars, and pushed a bit deeper in the mouth. This avoids that the
rabbit will spill the medicine out right away. Most rabbits start to chew to
get rid of the foreign object. Do not allow the syringe to get out of the
mouth, instead start to slowly give the medicine. |