funded solely by the generosity of donors.
donation, no matter what the size, is appreciated and will aid in the continuing
research of medical care and health of rabbits.
Thank you
inflammation of the skin |
Bite wounds |
Earmite |
Drooling, due to tooth problems (e.g.
malocclusion, presence of spurs) |
Idiopathic overgrooming |
Inflammation of the chin, after
infection by Pseudomonas sp. (moist dermatitis) |
Skin reaction after injection (e.g.
enrofloxacin) |
Spirochetosis, or rabbit syphilis |
Abscesses |
General skin inflammation |
Ectoparasitism by mites, mange, fleas or lice |
Ear mite |
Viral infection, e.g. myxomatosis |
Bacterial infection |
Necrobacillosis |
Fungal infection |
Viral infection by Myxoma or Herpes virusses |
Purulent wounds |
Abscesses |
Swelling on the head |
Tooth root abscess |
Retrobulbar abscess |
Acute cellulitis |
Myxomatosis |
Cutaneous or subcutaneous swelling |
Abscesses by Pasteurella spp, Staphylococcus spp., or other bacteria |
Local hematoma |
Lactation swelling in lactating does |
Myiasis or infection by Cuterebra
spp. |
Cysts formed by the tapeworm Coenurus serialis |
Non-specific granuloma |
Mammary neoplasia |
Neoplasia (papilloma, fibroma,
lymphoma, osteosarcoma, fibrosarcoma, epithelial carcinoma, melanoma etc... |
Alopecia or naked skin |
Plucking of
hair, in pseudopregnant or pregnant female rabbits |
Idiopathic overgrooming |
scratching, pruritic response |
against flea bites, with secondary bacterial infection |
Ectoparasitism by mites, mange, fleas or lice |
infection |
Hypotrichoses |
Skin reaction
after injection (e.g. enrofloxacin) |
seasonal molting |
hairlessness |
Moist skin |
Drooling, due to
tooth problems (e.g. malocclusion, presence of spurs) |
molars |
Tooth root
infection by Pasteurella spp. |
Causes such as
stasis, diarrhea, visceral diseases, and pain must be ruled out. |