the house rabbit 6: twigs and branches
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teeth grow constantly throughout their lives (approx. 2 mm
per week). Even though a diet consisting of hay, vegetables and
pellets normally is enough to keep the teeth nice and short, it is advisable
to give the rabbit fresh twigs and branches to chew on once in a while. Twigs
not only help wear the teeth down – they need to chew them slowly, which
triggers proper salivation of the ingesta. They
provide fibers that contribute to the good activity of the digestive system,
are nutritious, and fun as well. Mostly, branches and leaves rich in tannin
(willow, hazelnut, oak, ash-tree, fruit trees, eventually
pines) are excellent in preventing coccidiosis.
Before a rabbit is given a twig to chew,
it is important to check that it’s picked from a tree that is not toxic to
rabbits. Furthermore, the tree must not have been exposed to chemicals or
pollution from busy roads. The cut branches can be rince
in the shower to remove bugs and foreign bodies before giving to the rabbits.
During the winter season, the branches
can be given without leaves too.
carrying drupes – single-seeded fruits (including plum, cherry, apricot and
peach) are toxic to rabbits. Safe trees or bushes: willow, spruce, ash-tree, birch, maple,
juniper, poplar, apple, pear, hazel, rose, and hawthorn.
e-mail: info@medirabbit.com