Causes for corneal ulcers in rabbits is funded solely by the generosity of donors.

Every donation, no matter what the size, is appreciated and will aid in the continuing research of medical care and health of rabbits.

Thank you  


Akira Yamanouchi

Rabbit eye with a corneal ulcer as seen with normal light

Akira Yamanouchi

Same eye, seen with black light (Wood's light), after application of the fluorescein dye


Two year old French lop rabbit suffering from entropion (red arrow) and eye lashes falling on the cornea, accompanied by secondary dacryocystitis (green arrow). This condition can cause damage to the cornea and can be corrected surgically.



Traumatic causes

Bedding, e.g., hay or straw dust in the eye, bars of cage.

Fighting, scratch by a cat’s nail

Excessive rubbing, due to the presence of a foreign body, irritation,

Self-trauma, secondary to conjunctivitis, boredom, irritation, pain


Viral causes

Myxoma virus


Secondary to bacterial causes

Presence of bacteria

Blepharoconjunctivitis, or a chronic inflammatory infection of the eyelash and oil glands of the eyelids, accompanied by the inflammation of the membrane covering the surface of the eyeball. This disease can relate to the presence of bacteria or viruses (e.g., Myxoma virus).

Chronic inflammation of the nasolachrymal duct, in that case, the ulcers are typically ventral or superficial.


Eyelid disease

Entropion with the edge of the eyelid that turns inward toward the eye.

Distichiasis with abnormal growth of an eyelash from the meibomian glands along the eyelid margin.

Trichiasis, an acquired condition in which the eyelashes are misdirected and grow inwards towards the globe.

Crenated eyelid


“Mechanical” causes

Dry eyes due to a hindered production of tears.


 Special eye conditions

Exophthalmia, causes by a retrobulbar mass (B-cell lymphoma), an abscess

Ulcer development, secondary to glaucoma.



Mineral or vitamin deficiencies, e.g., vitamin A deficiency


Surgical causes

Exposure keratopathy, due to anesthesia.

A big thank you to Ivy (Serbia) and Akira Yamanouchi (Japan, Veterinary Exotic Information Network,

for the permission to use their pictures.


