(Why do pet rabbits suffer so often from dentition and digestion problems ?)
(A guide for the nutrition of rabbits)
One of my main fields of interest since 1996 is Dentistry of
Lagomorphs and Rodents. In days where the use of radiography was barely done in these animals (early
1980’s), the sole “shortening” of elongated incisors and/or cheek teeth
seemed unsatisfactory to me. Many patients suffered from a continuing lack of
appetite in spite of dental correction and advice on diet (increasing the
portion of hay versus the rest of the food) or refusing to eat at all or
would come back to the clinic with abscesses that were difficult to treat.
The radiographic techniques had to be improved and had to be established as a
standard of treatment for dental patients. With time, it turned out that we do not deal only with dental problems
in rabbits and rodents, but also have to fight (often secondary) stomach and
intestinal problems that are hard to figure out and diagnose. Again and again, rabbits suffer from bezoars in the stomach, which
remain unrecognized or that are diagnosed too late. That has
encouraged me to write this book... It's very profoundly written, with a lot of anatomy and details about
the digestive physiology. Things a lot of vets are not familiar with as well.
It explains the reference
line sytem that I developed for proper trimming of the cheek teeth as
well and the need to perform an excellent diagnosis before starting a
treatment. For me, too many vets trim rabbit teeth without knowing what's
going on. We should change this with the aid of better informed rabbit
owners. This was my intention for writing this book. To have
a look in the book, click on the image. To buy
the book, click here |
e-mail: info@medirabbit.com